Saturday, September 18, 2004

Very Delighted Savouring Mooncakes!

I just bought a sinfully calories-laden and sweet green tea mooncake at Bugis Junction today. This is my third time,yes, my third time!!! buying the mooncake.

Every day, I would walk past the mooncake stall at Raffles Hotel and would look at small and cute colorful snow-white mooncakes sitting nicely and comfortably in refrigerated case. The other day, I sampled snow-white mooncakes esp, raffles truffle snow-white cake with my colleague. The raffles truffle snow cake is very deightful to eat. After that, I couldn't stop thinking abt it and was tempted to get it. Eventually I couldn't resist it anymore and brought it home gleefully. This is my first time.

Yesterday having nothing to do at Toa Payoh interchange, I decided to walk around. Outside the interchange, there is a small mooncake fair. Once again, I couldn't resist getting a red bean(my favourite flavour) mooncake. So wicked!

I must control the sinful and wicked temptation not to buy another mooncake for the fouth time!

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