Sunday, September 19, 2004

Peanut Butter & Nutella

Just now, I was looking at jar of peanut butter. It reminds me of my friend who would eat spoonfuls of peanut butter when stressed. Errghh..yucks! I cannot imagine eating spoonfuls of peanut butter. Is it nice to eat?

When I was in Australia and very stressed with my schoolwork, I would scoop spoonfuls of Nutella hazelnut spread and slowly savour it. I can actually finish a small jar of it within 3-4 days provided that I eat it in morning, afternoon and nite. No bread at all. I was very obsessed with glossy and very sinfully calorie-laden hazelnut spread. I would always get new jar whenever it runs very low. The cycle of stuffing my stomach with brown stuff to death for 3-4 days will go on and on....

I thought that I am only one person who is very manic abt Nutella. Who else can go on Nutella spree for 3 -4 days like me? A few days b4 I hopped on plane for my way back to Singapore for good last year July, I discovered that my friend's girlfriend's groceries' cabinet was stocked with a lot of Nutellas. I was very stunned to find abt 10 jars or more parking there. I take my hat off to her.

But now, I am not manic abt it anymore. I didn't touch it for many months since I last bought it in Feb or March or April this year or last year.....

0 Meow Meow

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