Monday, January 03, 2005

Why I blog?

Not to follow the trend but to let my thoughts, ideas and inspirations out. This is what the title of my blog is for.

Have been inking my tears, smiles, worries, frustration, happenings and etc on my hardcopy journal since Sec 2, to be exact, 9th Nov 1993 Tuesday. I cried that I flunked my english paper. Very frustrated that I am struck with eye infection for 2 weeks! Cannot find black/white stripes jean.

Up to this day, my left hand is still active, writing my life on primitive paper. But not so frequently as last time when I was a growing adolescent. My paper is out of bounds to public. As it is about my private feelings/thoughts. Too private for them to read my Cries, Fears, Depression.

But the public is definitely welcome to read my Thoughts, Ideas, Inspirations at Nothing too private. Just general. But you won't find me typing how white hairs I have on my head, how my voice sounds like a man when I laugh, how stupid I looked when I got my first anxiety attack.

0 Meow Meow

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