Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Struggling with Sticks

While having lunch with my colleague at Nooch Bar, City Link, we had an interesting and hilarious show of ang moh lady battling with her pair of wooden sticks with all her mighty. She was struggling to pick up her noodles with her chopsticks. Her male counterpart looked cool eating his noodles with his chopsticks. He never offer her help while she, pitiful, was trying to twist her noodles ard the wooden sticks.

My sweetie colleague beckoned a waitress to do something for her. Not knowing that god-sent help was on the way, she continued to give her darn sticks many futile shots which is obviously not her forte. She must be stunned to find an pure and white angel standing before her and presenting her with a blessed gift, fork. She was so embarrassed abt it.

She laughed and was glad to let go of that sticks. She was eating her noodles happily with her blessed gift!

0 Meow Meow

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