Sunday, May 29, 2005

Money No Enough

I learnt that no money does not mean no fun. Not true that we must have money in order to enjoy. Last Fri evening, I met up with my good friend, Eileen for dinner at high-class artsy place, Esplanade. Intially Esplanade is not my idea for meeting cos it is a tad out of place. I dun fancy the idea of walking to there from City Hall MRT for 10 mins. But since I have no ideas where to go - I am already fatigued of going to Orchard/Bugis terrority many times, I thought that the durian-look-like place will be refreshing for us.

At Esplanade, I felt tempted to go in and eat at these fancy restaurants to enjoy the ambience, despite being on my shoestring budget. Not only that, I thought that the ambience is good for catching up with no-long-time-no-see friends, esp Eileen. But we found ourselves at Gluttons Square, alfresco hawker centre, which I dun mind. I relish eating at open-air hawker centre. I love its lively environment.

After filling up our stomaches snuggly with shared hokkien mee and char kway toew, we sat at same table and chatted under the dim light of lamp post for a while. I proposed that we check out the newly-opened club which I heard vaguely that it is opened by some NTUC organisation. But we cannot find the club and searched for the place all the way to Fullerton Hotel. Hahaha. Never mind that we cannot find the place. Instead, we explored the hotel which was my first time visit. Took a lift to restaurant on top level and sneaked into open-air roof ( we bluffed the waiter that our friends were there.) for a bird's eye view of the island of roads, lighted buildings and hotels, sea, Esplanade, cars, etc... Explored the hotel some more. Went to swimming pool, roof garden, restaurant. Discoverd chocolate fountain at ground-level restaurant. Every Fri and Sat, there is chocolate buffet.

From the hotel, we walked to Boat Quay and had cheap drinks at Macdonald. Amazingly, I found myself enjoying my time with her at humble restaurant. Yakked abt work, boys(*giggle*) including her 4-years old nephew. She felt alike that she enjoyed the evening too.

My exploration of cheap travelogue made me realise that I dun have to go to posh resturants or order expensive drinks at high-class coffee houses to have FUN! Will be happy to do again.

0 Meow Meow

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