Friday, May 13, 2005

So creamy-looking

Durian Angel Cake

On my MSN list, my friend, Miss Harumi's display pix of this creamy-looking cake grabbed my attention the most. Durian Angel Cake. I love its sweetly angelic look adorned by little shiny silver pearls and purple flowers accompanied by fresh leaves.
What is puzzling that there is a hole, and I thought that maybe someone ate it before she could take a photo of it without a hole. I realised that it is actually a chiffon cake buttered with durian cream. What a silly fool I am, not knowing that it is a chiffon cake.

Will make a great wedding cake! :-)

But one thing I hate is durian! :-P

2 Meow Meow

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaa...knowing u for few year..but didn't know u hate durian.. ^^

shall bake u a durian-less angel cake one day...

Harumi *^_^*

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

Will look forward to ur lovely cake!


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