Monday, April 11, 2005

Usual Time of the Month

I am feeling so rotten and crappy. Please excuse me if my english is crappy as well. My legs are wobbly weak. Fresh pimples sprouted out on my cheeks. My craving for food went berserk . I felt like Bridget Jones, pigging out on food crazily.

Food cravings:
Friday nite
Inserted $1 into snacks' machine and pressed "F7" for prawn crackers.

Early afternoon - After tutoring my kid's place, I ate my oily nasi lemak heartily at nearby coffeeshop.

Mid-afternoon - Bought Yan Yan chocolate sticks from Watson.

Nite - Drowned on few glasses of orange soft drink, had 9-course dinner and some cake at hotel.

Early morning, 1am++ - Helped myself to noodles in some function room.

Mid-morning- Brunched on chocolate, roti pratas and KFC.

Mid- afternoon - Helped to finish up some remaining bee hoon in my mom's wok after I woke up from my afternoon nap

Nite - Ordered mee siam at White Sands foodcourt in Pasir Pasir.

Which is not my usual diet. This morning, I took 2 Nurogen pills for my terrible sickness. Drank 1 mug of hot milo for some comfort.

Again had another round of hot milo just now.

Saw some chicken-floss laden bread which is my favourite. It looked so appetitizing and inviting to snack on. But I refused to give in to the temptation. After all, I ate chicken tempura burger, french fries and Coke at MacDonald this afternoon.

I dread it when I think of going through one painful week with bloatness, aching legs and excruciating contractions in my womb.

So suffering!

5 Meow Meow

At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good golly!! You just depleted a week's worth of ration for a platoon of soldiers over the weekend.

I cannot console by saying I know how it feels (thank the higher powers) but keep writing. Perhaps it can keep you occupied.

Thank you for providing staple reading at work.

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

thank the higher powers? who is higher powers? :-)

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dunno leh. I believe there is a greater power beyond our mundane lives but I cannot place a name yet.

At 10:33 PM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

Really, ur belief in higher powers is very interesting to me. :-)

How does it control our lives? :-)

At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With absolutely no religious connections whatsoever, I feel that we are placed where we are by the higher power.

The power does not control our lives in terms of daily decision making. That process is decided by our own concious thoughts and value sets. However, the power has a hand in the results of the decisions we make. How else can we explain when things go so terribly wrong when it seems so fabulously right when we make a decison?

Before I look like an eccentric that is trying to fathom the mysteries of Life in front of your millions and millions of fans (sorry suddenly The Rock came to my mind), I will like to clarify this is just my stand on things and I honestly do not give a hoot in unravelling this mystery.

Have a great day.


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