Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Is this a symptom of Alzeheimer?

Aarrghh!!! My memory is playing a prank on me although today is not April's Fool. My hotmail cum MSN password is wiped out from my brain, so I couldn't login to hotmail or MSN. The security qn is useless because I also forgot my own password to this qn. Anyone can help me to decipher my password?

In the meantime, I can retrieve my hotmail mails from MS Outbox.

2 Meow Meow

At 9:30 PM, Blogger sandra lim said...

One tip is to write to Hotmail. :) They will give you your password soon. ;)

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

Hi. Thanks for ur tip. :-)

I managed to remember my password. Yippee!!!


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