Friday, February 11, 2005

My Indian Crushee Called Me "Ellen"

I noticed that more male eyes looked at me for the 3rd time since I rebonded my hair straight and smooth. It reminded me of my Indian crushee when I was in sec school.

He stared at me.

He grinned at me.

He blocked my way.

He spied on me and collected little bits of info from others that I am a nice girl. Sure enough for him to conjecture, to play safe, that me, a hostile-looking girl, will not bite him up and asked me for my name.

Maybe my name, Tan Keng Yong(it sounds like a boy's name,rite.) is hard for him to pronounce, so he gave me Indian-sounding name, Jasmine but I dun like it. It reminds me of tiny white flowers which Indians use for their worship of religion, Hindus. He proposed a few common names which I dun fancy, and finally Ellen. Still dun like this name (it reminds me of Paris brand, Elle.) but felt sorry for him. So I let him off on names-rattling mission and let him call me Ellen as he wishes.

I was mystified why he likes me, a Chinese girl. There are plenty of pretty Indian girls around. Moreover, my classmate whom I used to be close to, is better-looking than me. So I wondered why not her. I shared my thoughts with people, and they couldn't answer my qn.

After school, he would tackle soccer with deafie guys. My good friend said "See, he mixes with the deafies."

He recited me a few pukey lines. Cannot remember throughly.

I dream of you. You are like a goddess to me!!!

I felt so disgusted when he called me his girl. Oh my goodness, it is not true!!!

His stares got on my nerves. I told him abt it and he stopped.

Nothing new interesting antics from him and he had given up on me. Not Ellen anymore but Jorena!

0 Meow Meow

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