Monday, January 10, 2005

Loss of Hearing' Sensory

Many people are sensitively afraid to ask me about my missing sense. I can understand that they are fearful of making me cry or hurting or maddening me! Like you, I also dun dare to put up my hand in class and ask my Curtin lecturer "Sir, what happened to your arm?". He has a missing arm up to his elbow. But it does not stop me admiring his gift of patience and creativity.

When I was 3, my mom tried to taught me alphabet vocally but my little ears didn't respond. She was puzzled and brought me to a doctor. Learnt that I am immobilised of hearing!

My specialist doctor examined my ears and couldn't find anything defective with it. My mom was in perfect health when she was carrying me in her womb. No measles. No high fever. No accident. No clue abt the cause of my deafness!

So it came to a conclusion that it is by nature that I am born not to hear for me to sleep peacefully, eat happily in nosiy places and rest assured that I do not hear any bad words about me.

1 Meow Meow

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing of all things is the beauty of you writing something like this. You're indeed lovely.



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