Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Beaming Owner of New Phone

Yippee!!! I have got rid of my red Nokia 3315 which have been with me faithfully for 2 years. As much as I want to stick to it very long till it dies on me. I am deathly sick of only one green-coloured screen, and no other bell and whistles like camera. It didn't help that my sis bought a new MMS camera-phone that I was so tempted to forsake my phone for the new one. And I did.

Now a happy owner of piano-black Nokia 7620. Played with ring tunes. Listened to every tune - be it Antsy,Attraction, Blue Smoke and u name it, provided that I have it on my tune list. My favourite tune is Espionage. The most catchy name of the tune is Blue Smoke. The strange name is Thunderbolt, and as the name suggests, it is supposed to sound very angry and frightening. Instead of that, it sounds very happy. The most revolting tune is Fire Alarm, very deafening!

Chose pink for my screen, and pearls-inspired pix for my background.

I have yet to learn how to synchronise my phone with the computer, let alone download the photos.

Happy Exploring for me!

0 Meow Meow

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