Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Burrow Day

So cute of the rabbits! Greyster, the daughter rabbit seemed as if it is following its mother, Hazel into the burrow when it is time to go home after a day of frolicking, eating, sleeping, idling under banana tree in its playground outside.

My friend, Melissa left her 2 bunnies in my rabbit-sitting's care for one year; she and her hubby had gone to UK to work for some nature conservation organisation. Every time and then, I would check if they have eaten their fill of pellets and hay. But their food is barely finished throughout the day. Reckoned that they must be either homesick or suffering from shock culture. After all, they have been living in sheltered environment - HDB flat that they might not be used to their new outdoor home - banana tree, grass, soil, sunlight, rain and etc.

To rejuvenate their diet for a fresh change, I fed them with oats and they are delightfully eating it. I asked my sis, well-experienced in taking care of rabbits, if oats can be fed everyday. I was surprised to hear that oats is actually junk food for rabbits especially when I thought that it is supposed to be some wholesome and nutritious food. Even veggies are junk food that cannot be fed too much to rabbits.

I, no dietary expert, am at a loss and have no ideas what to feed them besides hay and pellets to improve on their appetite. Meanwhile I continue to replenish their food, change water and watch their paws digging the burrows playfully. They are very naughty; they dug a total of 4 burrows on my soil enclosed in their pen.

Greyster and Hazel, wish you Happy Burrow Day instead of Easter Day.

0 Meow Meow

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