Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What is on for this weekend?

I am looking forward to Singapore Assocation for the Deaf's 50th anniversary dinner this Sat sparkling evening. The dress code is 50s. "What are you wearing for this dinner" topic was abuzz among many deafies in SMS, MSN and even coffeeshop. Not me, I am not so interested to yak abt this topic. Rather I am more excited and eager to see what creative and weird ideas for their dresses peoople are up to their sleeves on that day. I can imagine big and cute hairdos, platforms, mini skirts, stylo shirts. Be wary of fashion police. Bear in mind a few graceful fashion rules:
1. No visible pantry lines.
2. No g-string peeking out of your jeans, pants and whatever it is.
3. No black pantry on white pants unless it looks so delicious and babelious!
4. No butt peeking out of your jeans, pants and whatever it is. It is so ugly and disgraceful to see lines of butt.

Mr Goofy, one of hosts for this event, is agonizing abt his poor and exhausted brain memorising his nightmarish script. His brain is dead due to overworking on many things: work, freelance projects. As triathlon himself who is so maniac abt swimming, cycling, running competitively, he most probably thinks that hosting is a sport too and gladly took it up. Work is swimming. Freelance project is running. Hosting is running.

I am salivating about gourment food being served on my table by darn good-looking waiter in tuxedo uniform. Wondering what gastronomic delights chefs with long chef hats will whip up. After all, I paid $50 for this 6pm dinner.

0 Meow Meow

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