Friday, April 01, 2005

Taxis and Drivers' Sightness

Why is it that when I need a taxi desperately, I see either "Hired" or "On Call"? And yet when I dun need one, plenty of "For Hire" taxis cruise past me. Some honk at me if I want it or not.

*Rubbing my teapot 3 times and the smoke comes out puffing out of the spout.

Magic Genie: Yes, I am at your command. What is your wish?

Jorena: That the woes of searching for an available taxi everywhere, be it isolated or busy places, come to an end!

Anyone can fulfil my wish?

Taxi Drivers
Many times, I have experienced one interesting and common thing abt taxi-drivers - their eyesight. Many of them are short-sighted even though they are not wearing spectacles. When I show them my destination written clearly and sizeable on paper, they squint their eyes and hold the paper close to their eyes, abt 1cm away. Then they take out their spectacles. In some cases of long-sightness, some read at an arm's length. At worst, a very few drivers cannot read a morsel of English. For that reason, I would always make it a point to choose young men if possible and sometimes scruntinize old men's wrinkled faces if they know ABCs good enough for me to tell them where I want to go.

2 Meow Meow

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxi uncles are all weird. Every time you ask them about their business, they will be bitching about how bad their business is. But when you need a damn cab because you are desperately running late, just resign to your fate and start thinking of excuses while you stand forlornly by the road.

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

ya,sometimes i end up booking cabs. no choice.


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