Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Today is My Day!

Today I was nervous and fidgety abt showing Mr Tony my 15 sec's dance animation. Knowing what he is like, I was scared that his face will turn charcoal-black if he found out that it is only 15 secs' animation?!?

U did 15 secs' only although I gave U so many weeks to do ur project?!?

Anyway, I showed it to him and he gave me some constructive feedback that motivated me to work harder on my project.

I am thinking abt woman animator vs man animator. There are not so many woman animators compared to so many abundances of man animators. Animation is very taxing that it has taken a toll on my butt after sitting on hard chair in front of my PC everyday,24/7. My butt has become so sore! Not only that, working hours are quite very miserably long. The other reason I can think - men are more techincally-inclined than women that they tend to be better animators than their counterparts. I think that it is true. I saw my guy peer's animation. His animation is far better than my pathetic animation!

On other side , I have learnt a lot of things from animation. It made me appreciate animation. It taught me that art is something that you need to be patient with. Wow-inducing artwork cannot be done overnite. The best of it, I get to meet many boys in animation industry!

0 Meow Meow

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