Friday, October 21, 2005

Life in Perth

Life in Perth from 2001 to 2003. Before I set off on jet for Australia, Perth to pursue my studies in multimedia design at Curtin Uni of Technology, my lovely friends threw me a tearful good-bye dinner at Marche. Haha.

Life in Perth is quite peaceful but a bit dull. Nice place to live there. A lot of gorgeous blue sky there.

Not crowded as Singapore that U can easily walk freely on streets unlike on Orchard street.

Offers a lot of actitives there- horse-riding, sky-diving, cruising, wave surfing and so many things U can do which are rarely found in Singapore.

Every year, there is a Royal Perth Fun Fair. Many girls take out their fancy and decorative head bands, something like tiara, and wore on their heads. Me too. I went and bought one. And wore it at fun fair. Haha.

Felt very relaxed there.

However when nite falls, it becomes a dead and lonely city. Shopping hours close at 5pm. So sad.

Speaking of school life, every morning, I walk a good 25 mins to school. Walk back home. I dun take bus. Save money, ya.

I used to stay at hostel. My housemates dun observe cleanliness in kitchen at all. They always dump their cooking utensils, plates and whatever it is into sink. Never wash till they need it. In which irks me.

So I moved out and stayed at a private residential house. My life has became better then.

Australians are very particular abt lateness. Once I was 15 mins' late for my medical appointment, and the clerk made a little noise abt this.

They are very friendly too. They will greet U "Good morning" on streets while jogging, walking, gardening. Ya. Unlike people in Singapore.

If I say good morning to people in Singapore, they will be taken aback and think that I have loose screw bolts in my brain.

I miss you, Australia!

1 Meow Meow

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i missed perth too... :(


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