Saturday, September 17, 2005

Disability Denied?

A journalist from top-gun newspaper-printing company, SPH interviewed me abt visual-impaired Superstar winner, Kelvin.

Qn: Recently, there was a lot of talk on the Project Superstar competition where a blind busker took the crown. Some were inspired and impressed that a person with a disability could make a mark and fulfill his dream; others say that certain things are still not within the means of a person with a disability. What do you have to say on that? Have you ever heard such negative remarks before? How do you face that?

My ans: As a disbabled person, I feel very strongly that disabiliity should not stand in the way of his dreams and in fact, disability should have nothing to do with his dreams as long as he have the singing talent. If his singing is good and can make to market, why not? Just cos of his disability, he cannot have the "rights" to win cos he cannot meet other things like stage presence, dance? It is ridculous! Of course, stage presence, dance carries some weight but still what most important is that he can sing talentedly and people love his singing. That is good enough. Nope, I haven't encountered negative remarks b4. But if I come across negative remarks, I will not bother and dun let these things put me down. Earlier I mentioned, why should I let these people's silly (no pun intended.) perspectives put me down? I will encourage him to fight harder for his dreams.

1 Meow Meow

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Andre said...

*applauds* Good and straightfoward answer! Was it published on newspapers?


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