Sunday, September 11, 2005

Carnival at Water Fountain

Hey, if u are not too sure where the carnival is, never mind. Go to well-known Japanese landmark - Takashimya (hope that i get the spelling rite. My spelling is very bad. :-P). Look out for clues near the water fountain. If you see stalls selling food, clothes, footwear, it means that you are already at the carnival.

Venue: Taka, Civic Plaza, Water Fountain
Date: Next Sat and Sun, 17th Sept and 18th Sept.
Time: 10am to 10am on Sat
10am to 6pm on Sun

I had a meeting with Xtomic and the problem abt keychain is giving me a pain in my neck. Somehow I am fairly sure that it will be sorted out in the end.

0 Meow Meow

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