Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Just some nonsensical stuff for fun

Three things that scare me
Depth of sea
God's wrath

Three things that I like the most
Meeting interesting people

Three important things in my single-storey house
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. I always forget my spelling.
Hard copy of my old non-digital photos. Once lost, lost forever.
Soft copy of my digital photos.

Three random facts about me
I am a procastratinator.
I am a aspirator.
I am the mistress of my purple and non-air-conditioned room with so many half-finished books, redundant extra bed, anitque table and closet.

Three things i plan to do before i die
Mend a crack on my long-estranged friendship of 17 years
Do monthly breast examination
Go for pap smear every 2 years.

Three things i can do
I can write interestingly.
I can look unfriendly and aloof.
I can roll my tongue.

Three things i can't do
Tolerate deaf-discriminators
Overcome my phobia of dogs
Chop my long hair short.

Three things i say the most
How is ur day?

Three celeb crushes
I am too lazy to search for their names on

0 Meow Meow

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