Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I am doomed.

I couldn't stop taking my eyes off the guy in my combined class. Orginally my class is scheduled in afternoon but now is changed to nite so my class is combined with other nite class. There is one cute ( not baby face, of course) guy who caught my attention in my class. Actually it is not the first time I saw him.

The story goes: A few mths ago, while waiting for my friend outside the office ( that guy's office), I was attracted to stylish interior design of the office so I peered through the glass door to look around the office. I felt as if I was a poor and hungry girl standing outside the house on snowy day, peering thru the window and looking at yummy food on table yearningly. Out of the blue, the guy appeared and I, alone, was afraid that I might not be able to handle the situation if he asked me what I am doing. So I quckly walked away from the office and waited for my friend. Moments later, before my friend and I went into office, we pressed the doorbell and there the same guy appeared and answered the call. Opened the door for us. I was so embarrassed that it is the same guy who caught me just now. But I am attracted to his easy-going personality.

His office sent him on same course which I am attending. He attends nite classes while, me afternoon classes. I had seen him on a few occassions. Even I could smell cigarettee smoke on his body. Disappointed that he is a smoker as he dun look like the one. In fact, he looks decent but a bit Ah Beng. Last nite, I saw him carrying a thick novel. My, I dun know that he likes reading.

I think that he knows that I have been stealing glances at him and I am doomed. What will he think? Stalker? Oh dear, I am doomed. I must control my eyes and stop staring at him.

0 Meow Meow

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