Sunday, October 30, 2005

Chinese medicine + Dizziness

I couldn't take it lying down anymore so I went to see a Chinese physician abt my dizziness which has been ailing me for one year off and on.

Whined to her that my blood count is very grievingly low, and I have been popping iron pills for past few months.

But my condition have yet to make a 360 degrees improvment.

She examined my pulse and tongue. Amusing, she said that my stomach and spleen are very weak; therefore the nutrients couldn't get through to the organs.

Advised me to not to take Western medicine, esp iron pills as they are quite heaty.

Sounded as if she begs to differ with Western doctor's diagonsis that I am suffering from iron deficiency.

She prescribed me Chinese brown powder to be mixed with water; it looks like shit water. To strengthen my stomach and make my face look more radiant.

Okay, let see if my face has becomes more pinky after 2 weeks.

0 Meow Meow

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