Thursday, July 07, 2005

A Sneak Preview of my Wonderwoman

These past 2 weeks, I was so busy and stressed modelling my action character - Wonderwoman. I drank coffee, chicken essence and ate ice-cream often ( Normally, I dun eat ice-cream so often. I do it once in a blue moon. )to keep alive throughout my project. It was not easy modelling ears and eyes. It took me many frustrated hours of doing ears before I managed to do it the next day. Hey, I am not kidding or bluffing you.

Now, I am more or less done with it but I am not satisifed throughly. Anyway, I will let you have a sneak preview of my Wonderwoman.

Disclaimer - It does not translate to as what you think " awful. The lip is so red. So ugly. The eyebrows are not balanced evenly. The top of the head is so ugly shaped that Beckham's head surpasses her. What happened to her hair? Why no hair?"

But hey, I am not done with it entirely. I am still doing it. It is 2 weeks and yet I am doing it. So shameful and embarassing of me.

As to the last question abt no hair, well.....orginally, I modelled the hair but decided to do away with it. It was really awful and ugly. It does not look good on my Wonderwoman. Anyway, she looks incredibly sporty, chic and great without hair.

2 Meow Meow

At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PUKE!!! that woman looks so horrible with bald head.. can i say that the character is not a woman, but a drag queen?

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

okay, why dun u model a pretty girl and show me?


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