Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Nite at Zouk

Night life at Zouk on 31st October 2005. Apart from halloween-ing my nite away with Pumpkins, french maids, insects, animals mascots, and ya, Olinda Cho in racing car costume, I crossed paths with a guy who I haven't seen for last 8 years.

So good to see him again. He is still the same - very attentive to every girl. The type that can make you feel spontaneous with him.

He can recognise me thru my beautiful yes ( yes, he said so.) on my half-masked face.

No, he is not the one in black shirt on right top photo. He is the other friend.

He dun adore being taken photos as he thinks that his face is not photogenic enough.

Did a bitsy-isty of catching up with him, drank a bit of his beer and we exchanged our numbers.

Went back with my poor, aching feet and my smelly hair. I cruelly ill-treated my feet, pounding on floor in high-heels (very high). Because I love dancing. Couldn't stop dancing, dancing, dancing depsite my sore feet.

0 Meow Meow

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