Monday, December 12, 2005

Lame Singtel

I think that Singtel outta take a leaf from M1 and Starhub. ST is more established and older than them, and yet these younger and more tech-savy boys are faster to whip out more services than the behind-lagging ST.

Yesterday I searched for my hard copy of ST bill. My bill was a few days' overdue and I needed to make payment at SAM. But the search was futile. How am I gonna make my payment without my invoice? I needed to scan my invoice at SAM before it could register the fees.

I wished that like M1 website, ST should have online payment service. Then the bulb in my head flickered. Bingo! Vpost! It is my life-saver. It has my bill database, and the history of my previous bills can be viewed online. Can make the payment via this website too.

Just that I am a hardcore user of SAM and have always prefered to use my ATM card, knowing that it is more safe this way and people will never steal my money to go on spending sprees.

Recently Starhub launched a new service, i-mode with a bang! and have tied up with OCBC for online banking on mobile phone. Brilliant and convenient for me. At times I tend to forget to do banking with my bank, OCBC. If I am out somewhere and remember to do it, I can simply whip out my phone and press the buttons. And it is done in a few mins.

ST outta buck up and put on a safety belt and speed up and catch up with these boys.

0 Meow Meow

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