Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Glimpses of Curtin Uni and Graduation in Sept 03

Yup, as you can see, there are plenty of patches of grass in campus. Can sit anywhere.....

My uni is very quiet, fewer students than in NUS, NTU, NP and other tertary instituions in Singapore. Not very crowded.

Though peaceful, it is quite spacious.

Oh ya, the buildings are quite old. You wouldn't believe that there is no air-con in lecture halls and tutorial rooms at my school of arts. Except computer labs. I had to fan myself with paper during summer time. Very hot and sweating!

The lecturers' offices are not organised, scattered throughout the school of arts. Some are on 3rd leve. Some are on far end of this school. Some are on top level. It is like finding the offices in maze.

My uni took special care of my needs- they provided me notetaker free of charge.

I was warned to be careful in campus because there are a lot of cases of crimes, even RAPE happening . My friend's house nearby was broken into. There are thefts of cars. Break-ins. Rape. Even I was not spared. I once lost my pouch. Not sure if I dropped it accidently or someone stole it.

For a full version of the crime stories, read my friend's blog article, Hunting season

Hey, buddy Hanz, why dun u write ur blog abt ur school, supermarket and life in Australia?

2 Meow Meow

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the way u created classic photos of graduation :)

fallen star but will bounce back

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

hi fallen star but will bounce back,
thanks for ur compliments. :-)


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