Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Hottest Blogger

I was so stunned to see the pix of the hottest blogger, Dawn Yeo. She is so damn chio!

Yes, very, very, very chio! She has the looks of Eurasian. Her eyes are so pretty, looks very foreign.

But of course, it is natural of Eurasian girls to look so damn pretty that they can blow ur mind away!

I have an Eurasian friend from Australia. Her blood is mixed of so many races - Portguesese, Indian and so many - I cannot remember. She is very pretty, u know.

My mom met her before. She said that she looks like a STAR!!!

Anyway, I saw the old photos of Dawn. The old photos dun look like the present her. She looked like a typical teenage student with normal looks.

But I thought tat it is natural and common of ugly ducklings to blossomed into beautiful swans.

I have witnessed so many girls, especially my Alluring Red friend becoming so beautiful. With the help of right hairstyles, makeup, confidence, exercise and skincare.

However, there is a lot of blog speculations that Dawn has undergone the knife on her face. Cos she looks so different from the past.

She was accused of not being open whether she has done it or not.

Woah....if she has done it, yup, I want to go for it.. But anyway, it will not materialise.

Not because I dun have deep pockets, I dun see the necessity to rip the features open on my face with a knife. For what?

Unless I have a very, very, very bad man-made imperfections on my face.

Last time, I had a very bad blemish on my forehead, near my eyebrow. It was a very large zit, and I squeezed it. It became worse and left quite a big, obvious and round black scar which upset me.

I went to see a skin specialist, and he said that it will be there forever. No medicine can remove it.

Black scar on my face which will be there for life??? It dun look so pleasant on my face. It upsetted me very terribly.

Darn it, I should not squeeze it.

I cut my long fringe to hide it, you know.

Someone suggested tat I go for plastic surgery. I was taken aback cos it was something so drastic.

But anyway, I had my dad's support so I was "brave" to go for it.

It was a minor surgry, done for 5 mins to remove the black scar. It costs a few hundred bucks.

Never mind if it left a "hole" which you notice near my eyebrow. At least, the black scar is not there anymore as long as I look normal.

I have learnt a lesson not to do that again - squeeze zits.

1 Meow Meow

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Andre said...

i am all for plastic surgery if that can give someone confidence to face the world. i mean i wont support it if someone is going for more vanity.

i have seen a show "extreme makeover" and realised that there were some people who were extremly negative about themselves. but after going under the knife, they were now confident and ready to face the world.

But then i admire & laud people for showing their positive side even if they know they may not be beautiful on the outside. its cool to see people of larger sizes becoming high-fliers and excelling in their work & studies.


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