Thursday, November 03, 2005

Today is Hari Raya Puasa

When I heard that the guys from Intense Animation Studio which I did my 3D animation course there were visiting a Malay colleague, I tagged along.

Why? I love going sightseeing at different cultural homes - Malay, Indian and etc....To experience their celebrations. To taste their goodies. Have a merry time with them.

I observed that generally Muslim homes are lavishly decorated with carpets, electrical applicances, gold things and etc....Whenever I am in Muslim home, I can feel the close-knittness among the families.

It amuses me when I see Malay families going together as a complete set of parents and children like a flock of birds to visit their relatives. Which I do not bother to go together with my mom to visit her relatives during Chinese New Year.

Not only visiting together, you can find so many Malay families camping together at Changi Park on weekends, you know.

Maybe it is their culture to be united, must do things together.....

See, we wore Malay costumes together to show a unity. Hahahaha.

Anyway, we were hosted with home-cooked lunch buffet - nasi biryani, beef rendang, curry chicken, prawns and other things which I dun know the name.

My favourite cookies are peanut cookies coated with flour on surface. Not sure of the name through.

My Malay costume, baju kurung was passed down from a Malay girl to her then-best-friend many years ago. Her then-best-friend was me. Yes, we used to be best friends but now, not anymore.

Lastly, I wish you Happy Hari Raya Puasa.

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