Sunday, December 25, 2005

My Chrissie Prezzie

A few days ago, I left for my holiday trip to Hongkong and came back with my poor and sore feet. This is what I got for my Chrissie prezzie. Too much of walking with these ballernia pumps of mine for the past 3 days. I thought that these shoes are sufficiently good as long as it is flat. Little did I expect that it is too ill-equipped for my walking marathon, and I ended up with as you know.

My Alluring Red friend and I walked to so many dazzling shopping places at Mongkok and Causeway Bay. There are whoopingly 13-15 floors in shopping malls. I miserably dragged my poor and sore feet to every floor while she energetically walked with her feet in good and healthy condition. Humph!

I was so kooky abt boots. I looked at boots, went in and had a hard time trying to squeeze so many pairs of knee-high boots into my legs. Walked out without buying the boots. Hahaha. No lah,kidding. I got myself a pair of boots at a wicked $150 - 40% discount off $260.

My boots - See the pix on the right.

I was so dazzled by so many different kinds of interesting designs. Saw a pair of nice, clean, simple but yet rugged boots, and fell in love with it. The downside, it costs a grasping $500!!!

But anyway, I can bet you that Hongkong is the best promising place to buy boots. It offers a lot of designs and is cheaper than in Singpaore. In Singapore, the choice is limited. It also surpasses Australia. Mostly, Australia's designs are black and plain.

Hongkie girls are more fashionable than our local girls. But our local girls are prettier than them through.

I love their cooling weather. It makes my skin very soft and less-prone to pimples. I wish that Singapore weather is like them. I get a lot of zits on my face, thanks to that hot and humid weather.

My Alluring Red friend and I bypassed Disneyland cos of no time. I heard thumbs-down reviews abt this place. The place is not fantastic as their USA brother. Their USA brother hogs bigger land than this little Hongkong boy.

On Chrissie Eve, wejoined the crowds on Nathan Road for celebrations.

Young people. Old people. Little children. Policemen too.

Snapped photos of happening life - police uniform, crowds, stars decorations and our faces.

That was our last night before we went back to Singapore with our fatter luggage with food and Hongkongy stuff. We didn't buy any clothes. Phew for me! Bless me for saving money to buy clothes.

Australia Slang
* Chrissie - Christmas
* Prezzie - Present

4 Meow Meow

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how come u din buy any clothes in HK..clothes there are so much nice than wat we hv in sg.. :P

i went bersek when i was there..
and i oso carry lots of bakery ware back home ^^

but i notice things there is very expensive..

so did u eat timsum there? and their breakfast set..instant noodle with ham n egg?

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi...saw nice clothes but they are for winter use wearing winter clothes in Singapoe, right...

Anyway..I dun feel like buying clothes. :-)

At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u never buy present for me :P


At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terence, I have some leftover HK tibits. U wanna? I wrap for you and that is a gift.

anyway, thanks for dropping by to ink ur comments.


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