Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Suddenly, the world pauses for a min before me.

I received sombre news that a young man of 18 passed away in his hometown, Penang today. My mom cried abt her nephew's demise, and of course, my dad and I were saddened by it.

A young man, he have a future ahead of him. Although not being close to him and never talk to him before, let alone a minute, I watched him growing up till now since he was a baby. He toddled clumsily with his little and unsteady legs. Celebrated his birthday. Outing with his family at Chinese Garden for mooncake festival. Family trip to Penang together with him. All these things - it was many years ago when we were kids. I was bigger girl, he a smaller boy.

His future was cut short so cruelly when leukaemia decided to invade his life. He went in and out of the hospital countless times more than u can count ur toes and fingers. His school life was held on. My mom brought him to Taiwan to see a doc. She brought him to JB for the same reason. His mom quit her job to take care of him full-time.

It was a couple of nights ago since I last saw my cousin sleeping so miserably on hospital bed. He was in pain all the time despite being on painkiller. He screamed in harsh tone, I could hear. His body was in bad shape - bloated belly and swollen legs. My aunts who came all the way from Penang to Singapore saw the wretched boy and cried.

At hospital, I took a pamphlet for info on dying patients and saw that they want to spend their remaining time at home. A few days later, I heard that my cousin went back to Penang where he was born.

He will remain etched in my memories forever. Rest in peace.

0 Meow Meow

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