Monday, May 22, 2006

An Evening of Jabwater Boys, Tuxedos and Rippling Muscles!

Last evening was Mister Singapore 2006 at Far East Square. It was the first time in history that Mr Goofy, the deaf guy, took part in this pageant (with his Jabwater Boys swimming trunks sponsored by the event. Hahaha!).

I clutched my tix in anticpitation that this pageant was to be grandeur as Miss Singapore. I expected to plonk my butt on comfy and plushy Lido-seat and relax and enjoy the show of half-naked boys sashaying on the stage. I expected the stage to be very big. Instead I found myself sitting on Crystal Jade chair. The stage was quite small.

The hostess didn't smile very chirply and was quite cold when talking. The host couldn't have done much worse than her. He did a terrible job of hosting the event with dead expressions on his face.

The Q & A session was one of the reasons why I went to attend the event. I heard that Miss Singapore contestants did a terrible job of answering the questions. I was very curious how the MSO ( Mister Singapore contestants) would fare in this session. But it turned out that the questions were generic. Like what will you do if you know that you will die tomorrow? Who do you want to meet and what will you do? One of them answered that he wants to meet Adolf Hitler and strangle him. Hahaha.

The results were disbelieving! This Bukit Batok guy was robed with the sash "Mister Singapore". I dun think that he is that great-looking. But it is not surprising at all. It is very common that the dark horse can sometimes triumph over the hot favourite pony.

On the ending note, Mr Goofy (Bedok) won Mr Personality. Hoooaryy!!!! Too bad, you cannot see his Jabwater Boys swimming trunks. Clobber the lousy photographer who didn't snap the whole of his body!!! Hahaha. Well, overall, despite the little above-mentioned hitches ( my personal opinion, okay), yes, I had my fun of watching MSOs' performance on small stage. LOL.

1 Meow Meow

At 1:27 PM, Blogger sandra lim said...

Is that Terence?


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