Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Snap balls.Twist Balls.Speed Balls.

Balls under the laptop? What is that? Precisely, it is "cushions" to protect ur laptop from rubbing against the surface resulting in friction.

It serves the purpose of creating cool ventilation under the laptop. It is not "healthy" for the laptop if there is too much hot air trapped under the base of the laptop if not for the snapballs.

Yesterday, my Black Chocolate sister got me these snapballs from her local uni. At $13.90, much cheaper than $49 balls advertised on Vpost.

She said that sometimes someone will come to her school and hawks cheap and false printing ink. Geez! It sounds as if her school is a selling-and-buying-market for tech gadgets.....Maybe her school sells cheap and fake mobile phone too?

No lah, I dun think so.

0 Meow Meow

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