Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Women Warriors

March issue is out. Seventeen wrote the article "Women Warriors", and I am one of the women in iron knights.

You must be wondering why my fringe masks half of my face. The photographer took many shots of me in different poses. I had to hold still and rest my hands on my hip.

Turn ur body facing towards me a bit.
Lower ur face a bit lower... No....a bit higher.
Tuck ur hair away from ur face.
Lean on that pillar.
Okay, change another angle.

Many shots were marred by my faulty fringe which tends to cover my face. And I look so ugly and un-photographic in some pixs. So I guess that it is the best shot they could ever choose. Hee Hee.

Hey, can you recognise my old friends on my class photo? Some were chubby, but now have shed their fats thru rigorous gym trainings. She has flown to USA and settled down. Heard that she is married. The rest...sheesh... their lives are highly confidential that I cannot share abt their lives on my blog.

To read bigger picture, click on this image, and the big image will pop out. Or go and get ur magnifying glass and read the text. Ha ha.

7 Meow Meow

At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jorena, I think you looked good in the pic! :)

At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy for you! Yay! :)


At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Terence. Thanks!:-)

U will appear in press too! :-)

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah..i think u looks good on the magazine... ^^

i was reading it in 7-11 :P
told my mum abt u..and she say u r v.pretty.. ^^

At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi harumi,
thanks for ur compliments! :-)

At 12:16 AM, Blogger pepper cookie said...

really cool. keep going :)

At 12:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

jorena u impressed me a lot! you're strong ! i will bookmark u too!


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