Friday, January 27, 2006

Craze "4"

Tagged by Hina.

Four jobs you’ve had in your life
- Pondersoa crew
- Scanning Assistant, so boring, the most boring job in my life but it pays well.
- Draftswoman

Four movies you could watch over and over
Err...I dun watch movies a lot. Cannot remember the names of the movies.

Four places you’ve lived
- Karawara, Perth
- East Victoria's Park, Perth
- Serangoon Garden ( still living)
- Unknown

Four TV shows you love(d) to watch
- Frasier, Americian show. Very funny!
- Everybody loves Raymond, Amercian show.
- The Bright Girl, Korean show
- Overtime, Japanese show

Four places you’ve been on vacation-
- Australia
- Malaysia
- Hongkong
- Thailand

Four websites you visit daily
- Mr Brown
- Mr Miyagi
- Karen Cheng
- Kenny Sia

Four of your favourite foods
- Thai pineapple rice with pork floss sparkled on top. Yummy.
- Hongkong dim sum, esp siew mai
- Bolognese spaghetti
- Teochew porridge. It must have salted egg, fried luncheon meat, pickled vegetables. If not, I go on hunger strike.

Four places you would rather be
- Heaven. No suffering. No problems. No miserable life there. Believe in Jesus and he will prepare a place for you in his home.
- Ice-skating rink. Keeps me cool on hot day.
- Hongkong. A lot of shopping places.
- Beach resort. Nice to sleep there and good for relaxing. Slow pace of life.

Four tagged
- Sandra Lim
- Alluring Red
- Wendy. Hey,not Wendy Cheng, mind you. Wendy Toh
- Hanz. He is very lazy to blog nowadays. Sigh.

1 Meow Meow

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

huh,i do not understand what u mean...
anyway,i tag u to do the same is up to you if u want to write the same thing.


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