Monday, February 13, 2006

Valentine's Day

As I am typing my blog about Valentine's Day on my Fujitsu laptop, Valentine's Day is one day away from the date of my updated blog(Monday). It will be another Valentine-less day for me. No, I am not wailing abt my "sad and poor" state. I am happy with what I am.

In my entire life of 26 years, I have received a small teddy bear with a love cushion "I love you" attached to it from my ex-best friend. Other than that, a guy gave me a single rose. Most probably, some sales assistants approached him to buy a rose while being on the way to meet me to help me with my school assignment on 14th Feb.

It is okay that I didn't receive gifts from other guys as I didn't expect anything from them. But I was slightly disappointed with Mr Polar Bear for not doing anything on that day full of roses.

I nicknamed him Polar Bear or White Boy ( mostly) cos he is very white as polar bear. No, he is not ang moh. He is Chinese. I met him in Arts Club, sec school. He was my "Civic Defence Paramedic". He was a member of St John. Once when my finger got pierced by a splinter, I wailed and had silly worries that it might put my life into danger. He came to my rescue and helped me to prick it out of my finger, using a nail-clipper. He assumed me that I will not die of it. At that time, I dun know him; he was a stranger to me.

Our friendship started when he asked me for my name on bus-ticket which he wrote on it. I found him very friendly and warm guy. Every Fri, he would wash the pond at Arts Club, and I would watch him every time and then. Make small chat with him. Although I had a good impression of him and enjoyed chatting with him, I didn't harbour any romantic dreams abt him or had feelings for him I swear that I am telling the truth.

Till my friend told me, it changed my world. My friend observed that he was always staring at me, and whispered to me that he liked me. Ya, I noticed so, but I brushed it aside.

But anyway, I was secretly bleaming with happiness. On second thoughts, he was a great guy and I felt very comfortable hanging around him. Thought that I might give him a chance, and I became instantly fond of him. But wait, I wanted to play hard to test his character. I kept my distance from him and deliberately gave him cold shoulder.

But he disappointed me that he didn't do anything, let alone surprise me with Valentine's Day gift. And nothing developed above our friendship level. Ya, he did something a bit like asking me for a chat with him in garden and nothing else. It was not enough.

The heaven, sky and sun were my witness. They saw me waiting for him on rock for a few years, and I was a reduced to a stone. My feelings for him were crushed and dead. ( There is a Chinese legend of a woman waiting for her loved hubby or bf's return on top of rocky mountain for many years till she turned into rock.)

Before I write off, I wish you Happy Valentine's Day! Treasure your time with your loved ones!

0 Meow Meow

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