Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Should I forward them emails?

There is a new message in my Hotmail inbox, and it is from my friend whom I never keep in contact with for years. So I am surprised to receive forwarded email from her. What is more eyebrow-raising that she still keeps my contact number esp when we have never exchanged a word of hello thru SMS before.

I am not saying that I am flattered by these things.

When I were in poly, my good friend was caught in sticky stiuation. Facing the computer, she asked me if she should forward email to that woman who she is not close to.

I identify with her dilemna. Whenever I forward emails to people, they are my "regular" friends who I keep in contact with thru MSN or SMS. Oh well, sometimes when I am going through my online address book, I see some irregular contacts. I am not sure if I should include them on my forwarded emails. I want to share with them abt these forwarded emails. But I feel quite weird sending out to them. What if they are offended that I am "spamming" their inbox? I would hum and haw. Then I forget it and click on "send" button to regular contacts.

Like the hospitals, I update my phone book occassionally and remove irregular contacts from my listings. The hospitals throw their patients' records away when they haven't been there for one year and so.

Maybe my friend must have hummed and hawed before sending me the forwarded email.

But hey, if u want to forward me emails regardless of our distant and irregular friendship, you are welcome to include me on ur sending list. But I dun welcome some silly forwarded emails like "if you send this email to 10 people, U will get good luck." :-P

0 Meow Meow

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