Friday, February 03, 2006

Inconsiderate Passengers

I hate it when the passengers are inconsiderate.

When I was travelling in MRT, a woman sat next to me. She shoved her body towards me to make way for her dear plastic bag of things when she put it besides her thighs on her seat. I could feel body contact between our thighs that incured my discomfort and displeasure. I dun understand why she cannot put her bag on her lap.

It is not my first time with such passengers' inconsiderate actions. Ether they sit too close to me or they take up 3/4 of the seat, leaving me tiny space for me to sit. The worst is when I sat between 2 grossly XXL-sized Ang Moh guys on SIA plane when I flew to Perth. I had to endure 5 painful hours of being "squashed" by them.

As strangers on bus or train, we are inclined to keep a distance from our fellow passengers, and to avoid body contact unless we know them. We would choose a good spot that is 2 or more seats away from them to sit down. The further distance, the better. Unless the bus/train is not packed with many people, we have no choice but to share our seats with them or sit with them. We make sure that there is no body contact with them.

If I can talk very well, I would tell her off.

2 Meow Meow

At 8:32 PM, Blogger +-+Kagome+-+ said...

i dun hav a meetin w/ "Inconsiderate Passengers" ,but there was a time wen i was watching an ice-sk8ing performance in a local shopping mall,an indian woman let his son squezee in front of the crowd,causing me n my bro 2 seperate.tat was ok w/ me,but den the mother squezee in 2!!she did not even say 'excuse me' rude!!she was lyk totally block my view!!

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

really, u haven't experienced any passengers sitting too close to u b4? U dun feel irriated?


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