Thursday, March 09, 2006

Curtin Covocation 2003

As I am looking for something on my zip disk, I saw some photos being stored there. Out of curiosity, I clicked on this photo.

Popped the photo of me shaking hands with some dean. It brought a smile on my face and thought that I share the photo with you.

Speaking abt the convocation, I find no meaning in attending this function. Every semester, the deans and lecturers drag their feets to hall and sit there. The VIP make crappy and meaningless speech laced with bullshit words. The lecturers and deans clap their hands motionlessly. After receiving the degree, the graduate will sneak out of the hall without waiting for the convocation to finish.

One good thing came out of this convocation - refreshments after that. They served sushi, sandwiches and soft drinks. I saw Aussie graduates packing sandwiches and take them home. I am surprised cos I thought that Aussies are not kaisu like Singaporeans.

I confessed that I also packed the sandwiches too for breakfast the next day.

0 Meow Meow

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