Saturday, February 18, 2006

Wedding Bells

My mother bursted into my room and exclaimed to me that my childhood friend, Ben is getting htiched this year.

She heard the news faster than me. She got the inviation faster than me. From his mother. Occassionally, my mother and his mother will pop by to say hello on phone and yak about our lives. I bet that my mother must be lamenting to her that I am still single till now. Ha ha.

Anyway, I am glad that he is tying the nuptial ribbon with his wife-to-be. Most possibly, he will fetch his wife-to-be in bridal Benz bus instead of Mercedes car. (But I dun think that it will materialise. His mother will not ALLOW it!) His passion is buses, and he is always talking about buses.

0 Meow Meow

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