Saturday, April 08, 2006

What a small world + Photography Website

Taken by Julian Li.

As I was chatting with my friend, Clement who is in USA this afternoon, he showed me his cousin, Julian's photography website. His website looks so familiar. I realised that it was actually that guy who saw the snapshots of my rabbits on my blog last year and wrote to me that the rabbits are so cute. I am surprised that he is Clement's cousin. What a small world!

Thru my correspondence with him, I can see that he is so passionate about his photography and showed me his photography website. His photos are well-taken, and I think that he is good and qualified enough to be a professional photographer.

This photo of this smiling kid was shot in Cambodia last year. To see more photos, here is his website.

2 Meow Meow

At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jorena, thanks for linking my cambodia gallery, I chatted to Clement on MSN about this chance meeting, yes indeed it is a small world, I guess we are all linked to each other one way or another. Ive no idea how I stumbled upon your Rabbits posting in the first place, but I definitely still remember the post on your blog with the rabbits, and the photo of their furry cute!!

Anyway on a more serious matter I hope your friends will read this and go and read the gallery and maybe forward it on, and eventually it will reach someone who can help.



At 12:53 PM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

It is my pleasure to link ur gallery. :-)

Hmm...I believe that people are aware abt the problem in Cambodia. Not only that, there are suffering kids in Africa too. But yet nothing is done for them.


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