Friday, October 20, 2006

The Big Apple, here I come!

Tonight, I will be embarking on my trip to New York, the Big Apple!!! For three days. Looking forward to it.

3 Meow Meow

At 2:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jorena! My friend was in the Big Apple from Friday-Sunday over the weekend too...hehehe... So if you heard a fellow Singaporean around it might be her!! :p Anyway, betyou're really enjoying yourself out there... Canada's such a beautiful place, isn't it? :) Hope you get a chance to pop by Seattle on this trip since it's only a few hours drive from Vancouver! How long did that flight across the continent to NYC take btw?

Take care!

At 5:37 AM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

Hi Pin-Ji. Surprised to hear from you. :-)

Hahaha, I saw a lot of black, white and Spanish people there. No chance to hear her around it...

Ya, I stopped over at Seattle....but no chance to step out of the airport.....the airport is quite big though...I had to walk a long distance to my boarding gate.

The flight from Vancouver to NYC took 6 hours excluding waiting time at stopovers at airports. I stopped over at airports 3 times!!!

At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG that's a really long flight just to get across the continent! Will you be putting up your pics from this trip just like you did for HK? Sure hope so! :D


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