Friday, July 28, 2006

My new cut

One month ago, I chopped my long fringe which have been with me for years faithfully like a wife devoted to her hubby. The last time I cut my fringe was abt 10 years ago to cover a black and hideous scar on my forehead.

This time, I felt that my look was quite stale. My hairstyle was always the same perpetually - long fringe and layered hair which is cut in triangle on back. I itched for a fresh look and decided to try the "schoolgirl" type - short fringe and straight and un-layered hair for a change.

Besides that, I went for shiseido rebonding to manage my unruly hair (arrghh...). Don't ask me what is shiseido rebonding. But I reckon that it is suitable for thick hair.

Don't be fooled by the photo that I look sweet ( me thick-skinned. heehee!) with my short fringe. In reality, I look quite outdated and unsophiscated. My heart aches for long fringe. :-(

4 Meow Meow

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... look great with this hairstyle!! realli..

so sweet looking ^^

At 12:44 PM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

Hi Athena. Thanks for ur comments...

Earlier I mentioned, dun be fooled by the photo....the camera made me look sweet. heehee

At 7:22 PM, Blogger sandra lim said...

hey hey.. Never thought the photo made you sweet.. But thought the new look was refreshing and lovely. You do look great..! (And I am not kidding here..)

At 10:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who took this photo of you? *giggle*


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