Saturday, July 08, 2006

Applying for Aussie PR

Many people asked me abt applying for Aussie PR. No doubts, I am no expert at PR application so I am not in the best position to explain the nuts and bolts abt this issue. But what I can share with you is about from what I have heard through the grapevine and friends.

How to apply for Aussie PR?
The maximum number of points you need to fill up - 110 points if my memory is not wrong. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

How to get the maximum number?
It depends on what courses you study.

"Hot" courses where the occupations(See the list below) are in greatly demand - 60 points
- accounting, engineering, physiotherapy, IT, nursing, E-commerce and pharmacy

The rest of the courses like design, business - 50 points

Okay, what abt the rest of the points?
Criteria - Age, proficiency of English and educational qualifications

I fell short of 10 points as you can see that my design course get only 50 points. If I studied "hot" courses, then I will be able to get the full 110 points.

Oh yes, I forget to mention that you must study in Australia for at least 2 years. But now I heard abt the new changes which I am not too sure of. The new criteria is that you must stay in Australia for full 2 years, meaning that you cannot go home for holidays.

1 Meow Meow

At 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam here All the Best to AU :)


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