Friday, June 23, 2006

Definition of Singaporean Guy's Look?

Recently, my friend, Miss T told me that she went for an SDU (Social Development Unit) event, and that the guys there look so desperate to find girls.

I asked her my usual question "Are these guys handsome?" despite knowing that the probability of them being dash-looking is super-low for sure.

As anticipated, she said that these guys are okay-looking lah and have the typical Singaporean look. In which it painted a picture of them looking so plain and square on my mind. They are clueless on how to spruce up their looks.

Nevertheless, I asked another friend, Mrs Eileen for her opinion abt the definition of Singaporean guy's look. She described the looks of Korean, Japanese and even Chinese from China. The Chinese men from China are easily spotted as they wear very high-waist trousers and their facial features are very different from the Singaporean Chinese guys' look. We think that Korean men are very handsome and fair. Particularly, it is cos of the Korean dramas.

As for Singaporean man's look, Mrs Eileen was speechless and had no answer to my question. So she concluded that this look has no description at all.

In any case, Singaporean men ought to be marched to grooming school for lessons.

3 Meow Meow

At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not all singapore men suck in their dressing,thats too-general a declaration.Every country has their good and not so-well dressed black sheep. Perhaps you have been influenced by the Mass-media too much or totally tipsy on korean flicks.

Think of it,do you think if you go to Korean now and you walk down the street and you find the whole lane filled with male supermodels and the whole street is full of saliva because of ladies going goo gaa over it?of course not...ln conclusion,dont generalise a country's male population,one category doesnt fit all.nuff said

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

spelling mistake .its "korea" and not "korean" in line 6.thanks

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks,i must have added in the "n" in line 6 by mistake ,its a darn typo.thank your Ms England


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