Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Holidays Over!!!

I am back from my 2-weeks' holidays in Canada and USA. It was my first time to take a long and gruelling flight to faraway countries. In which I hate to ride on planes for long hours. But after flying back and forth to Canada and USA (From USA, I had to go back to Canada to catch my flight home to Singapore as it was much cheaper.), I think that I am getting used to long journeys.

Geography fantasises me a little. It is very interesting and eye-opener for me to learn about Canada and USA. I flew to the state province of British Columbia(BC). Although the capital city of BC is Vancouver Victoria, I never knew that there are other cities in BC too such as Surrey and Richmond. But these towns are quite small and suburban though. I stayed in the city of Surrey, about 30 mins's drive to Vancouver. The biggesst city in the province of BC is Vancouver.

The city of Surrey abounds with nature. There are a lot of farms and even a salmon hatchery. As it is inconvenient for me to go down to city of Vancouver (there are no buses or trains near my place of accomodation.), I stayed in Surrey most of the time. But I was very happy and did nothing but to seek solace in nature and enjoy chilly weather too. To recuperate from my burnt-out life due to work.

I bunked at a Christian nature conservation organisation, Arocha, by couresty of my friends who work there.

At the organisation, I met people of different nationalities who work there. They are from Brazil, Uk, Thailand and Canada. Some of them are on internships. Some of them stay at the organisation.

Even there is a staff who cycles from Vancouver to Surrey. It astounds me because it is quite a long, long and long distance to cycle on highway along rows of farms.

End of "Holidays Over!!!".

1 Meow Meow

At 1:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey... British Columbia is a province & Victoria is a capital city of British Columbia.

Vancouver is the largest city in British Columbia.


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