Saturday, July 03, 2004

No Time No See A Old Classmate

A few days ago, while on the way to Can Cafe with my friend for coffee at Bugis, I bumped into a old classmate from secondary school at coffeeshop. Can recognise him, the brilliant "Russell- Cowell Mathematician". Surprised that he can remember his sign lang. Good!

Usually people' sign lang turns rusty when they are out of practise with it for some time. Yet he didn't show any signs of struggling with alphabet sign lang in agony unlike others.

When we were in school, I didn't have much of impression of him. Either I didn't talk to him much. Just that he performed brilliantly in school and was the most quiet among the rowdy guys in class. What the heck, I dun remember him signing in school but wait,...on second thoughts, I recalled vaguely that he talked to me in sign lang on one occassion.

I had the ambition of clinching the top prize for A.Maths. But..instead of me, he came out in top! Of course, I was sad but never blame him and was not very jealous or mad with him. I knew that he deserved it better than me cos I know that he has a head for crunching numbers stragetically unlike me.

Wondering, when he goes home after school, he scribbles formulas, working solutions and whatever it is on the window furiously and study them. Or does he look at pretty girls as figures and calculates when he sees them?