Thursday, November 09, 2006

Post-flight Syndrome?

I seem not to have the time to write the updates about my holidays on my blog. Either I am too tired or I am tied up with other things.

After work, I come home to eat dinner, and after that, zoom straight away to my room to snooze for a while. The next day, I realised to my horror that I drifted deeply into slumberland. Oh no,I haven't showered or brushed my teeth last night.

My appetite has increased enormously. I eat double breakfast. I eat big lunch too. Yesterday you should have seen me wolfing down my wanton mee and happily helping to finish up my colleague's plate of fried kway teow for lunch. On top of it, I had peanuts soup for dessert.

Of these things, I am feeling very stoned that I find talking a chore. At office, I am very quiet and switch off my talking mode. Even at lunch time, I am not in the mood for gossip time.

I am a total wreck.

P/S: I snatched this last piece of pink hooded jacket sized XL from kids' department at Old Navy warehouse at a cool price - USD39.90. Which is USD4.60 cheaper than at retail shop.

2 Meow Meow

At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're suffering from jet lag, girl! And it's so good to taste local food again right...hehehe... Sounds like you'd need more than just a couple of days to get over a long trip. >.<

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

hihi.....i thought that jetlag means feeling very tired and sleepy in the day whereas it is super-energy at night. Hahaha


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