Saturday, December 02, 2006

so terrible!!! But truth is truth.

My english, esp my writing is perilously deteoriating!!! The older you age, the more your language improverishes. Oh dear! This spells the death knell for the future of my language. As much as I adore writing, I am lazy to practise my writing to a crisp perfection and to honour my language through preservation.

If you don't understand what on earth I am writing about, and think that my entry is morbidly-stupid written in un-intelligent grammar, it means that my language is becoming bad. Look like I will pack my bag and make a tearful exit from the blogging world.

But no, I, woman of indomitable fighting spirit, will perserve on to preserve my language. Hopefully I can find energy and strength to write often on my blog.

5 Meow Meow

At 9:03 AM, Blogger City traveller said...

Why say like this? Please continue practise blogging here no matter whether your English is good or not.

At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here I am! I always read your blog without a fail although I don't leave a comment.

But this time your entry seems serious so I am here to leave a comment.

Please continue writing. Otherwise I kneel down and beg you. Haha...

Don't think so much about English language. Just go with a flow...

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey yen2, i am surprised that you wrote a comment on my is unlike of you to leave footprint of ur comments on my sandy blog. LOL

selena and yen2, no worries. i will continue blogging...just that these days, i am either lazy or busy....

At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dearie, blogging is not so much abt the language, but to express your thoughts and feelings so that others can share in your life stories and your opinions, so dun feel too pressured yeah?

yup u might be busy and lazy, lol, but i'm sure when inspiration or the need arises, i will definitely see more of your posts on this blog! Looking forward to that! =D

At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi maddy. surprised to see you on my blog...Dun expect you to ink ur comments on my blog. :-)

Anyway, I hope that people dun get the wrong idea that I am deliberately lamenting abt my language to get people's attention.


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