Thursday, December 30, 2004

Back from her Youth Expedition Project in Vietnam

Alluring Red sms me "Yippee!!! I am back in Singapore. I am now at Changi Airport."

Replied back "Welcome back to rainy day of Singapore!"

Monday, December 20, 2004

Seeing Things in Motion

Typing with my spinning head. Plagued by red blood cells' malnutrition called anemia for the past couple of fatigued weeks. Deprived of oxygen robbed by insufficient blood cells, that made me feel fatigued.

Lost colors on my pathetic-looking and ghastly-white face. My palms are not much rosy as others', a symptom of iron-deficiency condition.

Frantically pumping my blood by gorging on chicken, char siew rice, liver, MacDonald French fries, Yan Yan chocolate sticks!

Cannot wait for my mom to come back from her 4 days of wicked shopping and eating in Bangkok.

Mom, I am very desperate to eat your stir-fried liver (oh no, not ur human liver. I mean pig liver!)!!!

Friday, December 10, 2004

Clean Air

I noticed that my grandpa haven't been smoking for some time. Usually he will puff in his room to avoid passing us second-hand smoke. It made me wonder if he has given up his pipe for good. He always smokes pipe. I checked with my mom and she said "Yeah, he stopped smoking".

I am amazed. How come a habitual smoker like him can quit his diehard habit? Actually I prayed that he would stop smoking. But I thought that it is impossible because it is too difficult for people around his age to quit smoking. I guess that he is ard 85 or so....

But I am happy to see no more puffing in his room!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Alluring Red & Sleek Black

Born in 79

Cried in KKH

Bestowed with name surname, Tan

Sat next to her on first day of pri sch,
Mountbatten Pri, now defunct

Badly tortured by our Miss Teo,
"tyrannical" teacher

Separated by successful "Nepalese
Siamese twins,
Jamuna and Gaga"
operation in 91

Met her again in sec school,
Upper Serangoon, defunct again

Different classes. Me morning session.
She afternoon session

Different sizes. Me fat. She skinny

Different persona. Me quiet. She chatty

Different colours. Me black. She red