Thursday, July 21, 2005

Suffering from Writer's Block

Indeed, it is not my style to write daily happenings like "I finished my 3D animation course 2 weeks ago", "I have been very busy with my projects", "I saw a cute guy in my class" and blah...etc on my blog. Man, it is not my style! But I was so busy with my projects that I couldn't spare a morsel of time to sit down and muse on what to write on my blog. On other hand, I want to keep my blog alive. Dun want to leave it motionless for too long. Heeheehee. So I quickly typed the daily happenings without summarising it. This is called express blogging in my own terms. Hahahaha. Now, I have never blogged anything very beefy and serious for a long time and am suffering from writer's block.

..........Struggling with my writer's block......Aarrghh.......Pause.....Pause.....

Okay, it is cleared up.

Unhappines with NKF

Last nite, I learnt from my social worker friend that many people in social work line know abt NKF's extravagant and dishonest deeds for a long time already. What! They know abt it and yet we dun know abt it till recently. Well, when I think of the NKF case, I get displeased and upset with Durai and Mrs Goh. He is misappropriating people's gracious donations made out of goodwill/kindness for his own profits. When we see wrenching sights of people suffering on tv, our hearts are broken and we weep for them. Out of kindness, we donate money to help them as well as to lessen their financial burdens. And yet he takes our money to live very comfortably while we slave/groan abt our Monday blues just to put bread on table. We are satisfied with our silver taps as long as it can bring clean water to our homes and wash grease/dirt away on our hands till sparklingly clean. And yet he takes our money to buy gold tap just to enjoy lavish 5-star comforts. Do he need it??? He has his own bathroom in his office. Gold tap. 6 cars. $25,000 monthly salary. 10-12 mths' bonus. So it is as good as misappropriating our donations for his own profits while he showers in his own office and sits there and earns our money from us. Why is he not taken to courts for that? That is maddening!!! Alternatively,take back his ill-gotten money, strip him away of his gold tap, cars and whatever is used by our money. That will justify our wrath.

I dun have anything very grievious and long to say abt Mrs Goh. But like others, I am not happy with her. She can afford to say that $600,000 is peanuts to her but not to us. Has she ever spare a thought abt it?How many years will it take us to save this sum? We will only have that sum in our CPF by the time we retire. By then, our hair will have turned silver. See, it will take many donkey years to save this sum.

0 Meow Meow

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