Saturday, July 23, 2005

How to Ace Interview?

This afternoon, one guy shared his bag of tricks with me how to ace interivews.

Guy: A great personality will help to ace the interivew. Talk thru the interview with a great personality. Charm him! I got my first job in XXX cos the boss likes me and my works too.

Jorena: Oh yeah, true that the personality carries a lot of weight. But come to think, if the person with a great personality but medicore skills is hired, later on the boss discovers that he cannot make a great asset towards the company at all cos he cannot do it except talk crap and trashy stuff.

Guy: Hmm...true...*Nodding his head* Yup, the people with real skills can afford to be assholes.

I think that Guy is right partially. Thinking from a boss's perspective, if I were a boss, the interesting and pro-active people will have caught my eye more than other people who make

I observed that these kinds of people ace interivews more easily and cool!

My friend who has business charisma (yes, she does have. She is born with that. She loves to dress up like a biz woman. Not only that, she is quite pro-active that she is naturally inclined to talk well.) is hired as biz analyst during her first interview with the company, I think so. But hey,I am not suggesting that she got the job cos of her talking skills. I believe that her biz charmisa carries some points too.

My good friend lamented to me that his good friend gets jobs easily just cos he knows how to talk and charm bosses as well.

I think that it is good to talk, charm and blast the boss off if you have real good skills and are very confident of making the boss love you more for your contributions towards the company.

But still the qn of pullling this nasty trick on clueless bosses ( only the smart bosses can tell the difference between phoney and truly master of skills.) - do you think that it is good or bad?

2 Meow Meow

At 7:12 PM, Blogger Andre said...

ha true, agree people with a glib tongue can most probably land a job faster than those guys like myself who doesnt have that kind of charisma. Anyway.

Saw your 3d images! Wow, you really did character modelling, I havent done that yet!!! *embarrassed* Anyway hope I will do more 3d stuff and hopefully post them on my blog like you.

And hey keep writing on, I really enjoy reading your entries. ;)

At 7:52 PM, Blogger Sleek Black said...

Dun worry abt character modelling. U will slowly pick it up. :-)

Yup, do please post ur 3d stuff online. I would love to see it. :-)


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